Saturday, May 23, 2020

Bullying, The, And Who Might Be Affected And Why

A national concern in various communities, across the globe and has come to the forefront is the term â€Å"bullying†. It seems that everywhere on the news you see an incidence relating to bullying. There are organizations that are looking into solutions to combat this epidemic problem whether it may be through implementing training programs in schools or through the legal system. Seems like everyone is being bullied nowadays whether it be in schools, workplace, gays, lesbians, children, adult, transgender youth, LGBT community, everyone seems to be affected in some way or another. I am going to try to tackle this issue specifically â€Å"workplace bullying† and who might be affected and why? Workplace bullying by definition is and I quote â€Å"a†¦show more content†¦Bullying also involves repeated acts of attack against one creating an on-going pattern of negative behavior. Bullying can be instigated by your co-workers, supervisors, managers, friends, acquaintances etc. The source of bullying is an external problem. The bully targets how to harm individuals. ( There have been some scientific studies and/or surveys suggest that workplace bullying is a well known epidemic problem in the American Workforce. Studies suggested that from 2007 and 2008 that more than 1,000 adults confirmed that 45 % reported that they have indeed worked for an abusive boss or co-worker. Also, in September of 2007 a poll suggested that 37% American Workers or 54 million employees reported that they have been bullied at work. Bullying affects nearly half or 49 % of full and part time employees in America or an estimated 71.5% million workers. With this in mind, there was a study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management or (SHRM) and the Ethics Resource Center that a 3rd of HR professionals or 32% have reported observing some form of misconduct regarding workplace bullying. HR also indicated that this violated their company’s ethnic’s standards, policies and procedures etc. (Daniel. T. 1-30) There have been some instances and situations where there are employees have been bullied by their peers rather than their

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